"reduce and measure our Carbon Footprint in business and our lifestyle. "

Circular Economy FNQ

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How would you like to learn more about leveraging your business waste for good - GOOD for people, GOOD for the planet? 

"Our goal is validate local and national Circular Innovations in Case Studies so that we can through data, identify transition systems that are scaleable or repeatable in regional Australia.   Our Circular Business Transition Pilots is focused on diverting Food Waste from Landfill and reduce Methane at the same time as producing a Sustainability Report for their business.."

To find out how YOU can be part of the change, head to https://www.circulareconomyfnq.org.au/, like & follow on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/circulareconomyfnq or get in touch by emailing President Irene here: info@circulareconomyfnq.org.au 

The www.tradingmate.com.au business community are huge supporters of this innovative organisation - we have loved learning about the plans, frameworks & ideas advocated by Irene, Tony and the passionate, driven & dedicated CEFNQ team and can't wait to support this world-changing non-profit organisation with our raffle proceeds at one of our upcoming TM events in 2024!

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